Sahasrara chakra

Explaining crown chakra,healing meditation,higher self,divine energy.

Location: Brain / Brain
Color: In-explicable
Tatva: It is beyond the realm of 5 tatvas; Param tatva
Beej Mantra: AUM
Keywords:  Higher self, Universe, self-realization
Vayu: It is beyond the realm of vayus
Yantra: Full Moon
Shape: Lotus with thousand petals
Ruling Diety: Lord Shiva
Granthi associated: It is beyond the realm of granthis


If the mooladhara chakra stands for motherly aspect of our life, the security and nourishment, the sahashara stands for father or the direction and guidance we get in life. It has been observed that our connection with our biological father becomes the modal for our relationship with authority, and ultimately, with God.

Connection with higher-self

We all have a higher-self; our own being with high vibrational rate. We have a connection with this higher-self. When this connection gets broken pain and suffering arises. The sahasrara chakra establishes this connection between our higher-self and materialistic consciousness. When we walk in rain, our clothes get drenched and we can feel the wetness. Now even when it has stopped raining we can still feel the wetness. Similarly, when we are not doing meditation and are engaged in our carnal life, we have an inner sense of this connection. We some how know that we are not merely body, but something greater than that.

The sahasrara chakra is beyond the comprehension of an ordinary mind. It is beyond our ideas and concept. Meditate with your master and under his divine grace and compassion explorer the miracles of this chakra.

Aagya chakra

Explaining chakras energy,reiki meditation,chakra healing meditation,third eye chakra,chakra cleansing,healing chakras,third eye meditation.

Location: Bhu madhya (At the center of eye brows)
Color: White
Characterised by: Vision
Tatva: Manas and Guru tatva
Beej Mantra: AUM
Keywords: Cosmic intelligence, paranormal activities, extra sensory perception
Vayu: Apana, Vyana, Samana, Prana, Udana
Yantra: Round
Shape: Lotus with two petals
Ruling Diety: Hakini and Sada Shiva
Planet associated: Jupiter
Weekday associated: Thursday
Granthi associated: Rudra Granthi

The name ajna comes from the root ‘to know, to obey and to follow’. Literally the word ajna means ‘command’. This chakra controls all lower chakras. Before going into deep meditation this chakra should be activated.

Healers Perspective

Mental / Emotional / Psychological aspects:

This chakra represents the union of mind, body and spirit. Its importance is more on spiritual level than on physical level. It is associated with imagination, visualization, perception of light, transcendence. This chakra is free from karmic factors and its activation helps us deal with factors which are both personal and of group origin. The power to affect and alter other’s karma is enhanced by this chakra. This chakra is the only chakra that merges directly with cosmic energy.

Direct knowing is the first function of this chakra. Rational thinking requires deduction or anticipation before conclusion while knowing / perception through aagya chakra is marked by immediacy and directness. A spiritual practice awakens the higher mind which functions through a direct perception of reality. Intuition, extrasensory perception and abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience are associated with it. It dissolves all our conditioning, ego, habits, false ideas, and mis-identifications. Our ability to separate reality from delusions is in connection with the healthfulness of this chakra.

No specific emotion is associated with this chakra but its importance lies in that, that it is the master controller entity of whole human system. If it is not in harmony whole human body at all levels is likely to suffer. It has an important influence on memory. One will remember events by re-experiencing the energetic fields associated with them including those that emerge as emotions, sensations and feelings. Inflated egos, arrogance, aggressiveness, condemnation, contempt, and worry cause this Chakra to be blocked thereby inviting suffering. Lack of discipline, judgement, evaluation, emotional intelligence etc have been observed when it is malfunctioning.

It is the place where power of silence is experienced. When activated, our thought waves elongate so that the space between the two thoughts grows wider. This space is Silence and as the petals of the Chakra open up, silence blossoms pushing our thoughts to the periphery of our awareness. This is where the state of thoughtless awareness or Nirvikalpa Samadhi happens through the grace of God. In this state we actually feel the beautiful Silence, the Stillness, which is at the heart of creation.

The endocrine glands pineal and pituitary are associated with it, whose working depends upon various factors like, physical conditions, environment, behavior, intention, belief. It acts in two phases, first as a receiver of information from universal energy and in second secretes various hormones that will work on sexual level. It is affected by waning and waxing cycles of the moon as the Ida and Pingla are with these cycles.

Physical aspects:

It is associated with eyes, ears, pituitary, pineal glands, nose, throat, neurological system, forehead, temple region, hind-brain, sleep patterns, sexual maturation and repair of body tissue through various glands. It has an important influence on memory. The pineal gland is a light sensitive gland, that produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates the instincts of going to sleep and awakening (biological clock). It also produces trace amounts of the psychedelic chemical dimethyltryptamine.

Physical symptoms of blockage include migraines, brain tumors, spinal dysfunctions, panic, depression strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, pain at the base of the skull, learning disabilities, lack of Concentration, forgetfulness, blindness or weak eyesight, headaches etc.

Symptoms of Imbalanced aagya chakra:

Abstract thinking, incessant chattering mind, living in your head, hallucinations, negative thinking, loss of spiritual connections, memory problem, lack of knowledge etc.

Spiritual Perspective

The aagya chakra is the entry into the realm of mind. Meditation on aagya chakra heals both conscious as well as subconscious mind. Various ‘Rishis’ has emphasized that in order to heal manomaya kosha we must meditate on aagya chakra. Just like nucleus is the central most part of an atom, similarly, aagya chakra is the center of human consciousness. Aagya chakra is considered equivalent to lord Surya. The Guru tatva is associated with aagya chakra.

Vishuddhi chakra

Explaining throat chakra,chakra meditation,what is meditation,benefits of meditation.

Location: Throat (base) / Throat (base)
Color: Blue
Tatva: Akasha (Sky)
Beej Mantra: HAM
Keywords: Self-expression, communication, sound, creativity, confession, detatchment, honesty, guilt, anger, criticism
Vayu: Udana
Yantra: Round
Shape: Lotus with sixteen petals
Ruling Diety: Shakini, 5 faced Sada Shiva
Planet associated: Venus
Weekday associated: Friday
Granthi associated: Vishnu Granthi

The name vishuddhi is amalgamation of two words vish (poison), shuddhi (purification). It is known as the purification centre as it purifies and harmonizes all opposites and all poisons. In vishuddhi, the poison and nectar are separated and refined.

Healers Perspective

Mental / Emotional / Psychological aspects:

This is the center of communication and self expression which includes verbal expression, expression of feelings, emotions, ideas, creativity and spirituality. This communication is done through eyes, nose, speech, ear, and hands. As its name suggest, it challenges us to purify the content and purpose of our words. It suggest relationship between controlled thoughts and controlled speech. We should avoid lying or swearing or talking excessively and instead, we must choose to praise others, to express true feelings etc. Opening this chakra gives us a kind and compassionate voice.

It is related to growth (growth being a form of expression), change and flexibility.It embodies those qualities which govern our relationship with other members of the human race. gives us a sense of oneness and harmony. How flexible you are to accept other’s view point. Whenever changes occur in our life a lot of activity occurs in this chakra. The person with harmonious vishuddhi chakra seeks the true knowledge. The activation of this energy center favors the understanding of non-verbal messages. One of the important lessons of spirituality i.e. staying detached from whatever pleasant or unpleasant occurs in life is governed by this chakra. Sometimes this detachment is playful. The flowering of the this Chakra provides us with a sense of detachment which lets us witness the Play of life while living in this contemporary world.

The emotion regulated by this chakra is joy. It transmutes prana into unconditional joy as it moves upwards. Anger is stored in this center. It is related to diplomacy and purity in relationship with others. When activated, this chakra removes all our guilt, remorse, tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or inferiority and all jealousies.

Capacity to hear is related to this chakra which includes not only hearing something from outside but from our inner core also. It is intimately connected to the power of sound and symbolize a consciousness free from matter. The sensory element associated with it is hearing, and its motor output is talking, the tongue. There is a relationship between what we hear and what we say. Hence we have the saying ‘deaf and dumb’. In order to be able to speak, one must actually first have heard. You cannot speak that which you have not heard.

The spiritual development of us hastens from this center, where we reads many books on spirituality, ethics and religion etc and follow many spiritual practices. But this also develops a spiritual ego in us, which becomes an obstacle in our spiritual advancement. We must remember that almighty is the only doer, we are just the medium.

Physical aspects:

It is related to throat, thyroid, trachea, neck vertebrae, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, parathyroid, hypothalamus, vagus nerve, respiratory system, muscular control, vocal cords, the activity of the of the hearing, and body heat production. . It also contains telepathic channels in the sinuses and ear canals. Some diseases associated with it include sore throat, mouth ulcers, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, voice problems, gum or tooth problems etc.

Symptoms of Imbalanced Vishuddhi chakra:

Some signs that the Throat Chakra is out of balance are:
* Difficulty expressing oneself or in speaking
* harsh voice, holding back in life
* Poor learning ability
* Habitual lying, lack of spirituality
* Fear, doubt, uncertainty, excessive shyness, lack of confidence in your opinions.

Spiritual Perspective

The God Shiva and Goddess Gauri is the deities of this chakra. This chakra is symbolized by akasa spirit. The Akasa mandala, the circle within the triangle, represents the Gateway of liberation. In spirituality this chakra is all about purification. This chakra has sixteen petals coloured smoky purple. The elephant Airavata is seen without the coller which binds us to matter.

Anahata chakra

Explaining chakras healing,what is chakra healing,how to heal your chakras,heart chakra,body chakras,chakra balancing.

Location: At the center of chest / At the center of chest
Color: Green
Characterised by: Touch
Tatva: Vayu (Air)
Beej Mantra: Ham
Keywords: Unconditional love, forgiveness, acceptance, limitless, letting go, infinite, compassion, selflessness, devotion
Vayu: Prana
Yantra: Hexagonal (six sided pointed star)
Shape: Lotus with twelve petals
Ruling Diety: Maha Kali, Ishana Rudra
Planet associated: Saturn
Weekday associated: Saturday
Granthi associated: Vishnu Granthi

The heart / Anahata chakra in Sanskrit means endless, ‘un-struck or unbroken’; one that cannot be harmed. It is the center of unbroken sound. This chakra is the most important of chakras because it contains the ability to feel divine and pure love for everyone. This is the place where our soul resides. Those people who have love, compassion, sense of sacrifice and sympathy, drive happiness from this chakra. It is due to heartfelt feelings and emotions that life changes its direction. Our ambitions and interests take a new path. The heart is even superior than brain, brain controls physical body while the brain itself is controlled by heart. Meditation on heart chakra will infuse the entire EMOTIONAL BODY with love and can restore a sense of WHOLENESS. It relates to the balance among Body, Mind and Spirit.

Healers Perspective

Mental / Emotional / Psychological aspects:

This chakra is not associated with personal love for the spouse/beloved nor with the sorrow of the broken heart. It is for a universalized love which is not limited to loved ones and those who love us in return. It is the compassion for stranger. It is the loving kindness for the greater human family. This love is purely altruistic. It is the master control center for regulating the emotions. It suggest the words “Love Heals All”. It is an area that represents the deepest psychological significance. We say, ‘I am touched’ or ‘I am moved’.

If it is not in balance, we may act lovingly but really feel resentful. We may give to others out of obligation rather than out of a genuine sense of goodwill. It is about giving and receiving love. If unbalanced, we have difficulty feeling love for ourselves or for others, we have difficulty receiving love or anything else from ourselves or others, and we feel cut off and all alone without feeling our connection to that divine light within us. we also tend to feel hurt by others easily. Hurtful situations like divorce, separation, bereavement, emotional abuse, abandonment, adultery cause disruption in its functioning.

Forgiveness is what emerges from here. Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit. Everything that comes from heart comes from almighty God, as if he does not pull the breath, we will cease to exist.

The emotion regulated by this chakra is pain. If the heart chakra is blocked pain will emerge in response. If this remains blocked and one has become attached to the individual mind and ego the disruption can lead to feelings of hopelessness or despair. The love, compassion, confidence, inspiration, hope, despair, hate, envy, pride, insincerity, fear, jealousy, anger, generosity are linked to this chakra. Learning to love yourself is a powerful first step in securing a healthy fourth chakra. The “wounded child” resides in the heart chakra. If there is imbalance in this chakra, and one is not able to control unpleasant emotion like hate and envy, heart ailments are sure to ensue.

This chakra acts as a bridge between three chakras above and three chakras below in the bioplasmic body, distributing a uniform energy flow in both the directions. It is said that when the heart chakra is opened, wishes are spontaneously fulfilled through the activity of kalpa vriksha (wish tree) associated with it. The powers of this chakra indicate that personal karma has been completely absorbed, for this chakra is not subordinate to karmic forces. It brings an increased ability to direct prana. especially for healing. It permits a detached comprehension of karmic influences.

Since the heart chakra is the center of intuitive consciousness, it is from this chakra that the inner meanings of things can be grasped. One’s personal rights are also upheld by this chakra. In the world of intellect it upholds the right to trust personal intuition, insight, and the finite human consciousness, no matter how these functions choose to manifest intellectually, creatively, verbally, through metaphor, the written word, or the arts. This center generates poetic wisdom.

The element of the area is air; its sensory avenue is touch. Its motor output or organ of action is the procreative action, the act of reproduction, but that reproduction can take place in the mind as well as the body. In tantra and kriya the movement of consciousness, the rotation of consciousness around the body, is a tactile experience in which you create your own sensation of movement, heat, cold, pressure. Yoga nidra is an opening up of anahata chakra through learning to experience the tactile sensations of heat, cold, touch, pain, light pressure, deep pressure; all these sensations are deliberately activated.

Physical aspects:

This chakra governs heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands. It is related to the thymus which is a part of the immune system, as well as a part of the endocrine system. It produces T cells responsible for fighting off disease, and is adversely affected by stress. This centre produces the anti-bodies till the age of twelve years which are circulated in the whole body to fight any kind of attack on the body / mind. If there is any attack on the person these anti-bodies are informed through the sternum, which has a remote control of information.

Diseases associated with this chakra imbalance include tuberculosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, asthma, high cholesterol, breast (cancer and fibromas), shoulder and esophagus problems, asthma, lung & breast cancers, thoracic spine, pneumonia, upper back, breast Cancer etc. People suffering from high stress due to their unjustified workaholic nature need to balance this chakra, as this indicates that you do not love yourself.

Symptoms of Imbalanced heart chakra:

Excessive yang leads to insensitivity. Excessive yin leads to hypersensitivity or the feeling of emptiness. Extreme physical or mental activity, heartfelt bad relations (especially mother’s), no confidence in God, anti-God activities, outside attention, no seeking, no interest in self, emotionally closed, passivity, reserved.

Spiritual Perspective

The God Isa and Goddess Kakini are the dieties of this chakra. It contains brahma granthi. This chakra is considered as entry point into vigyanmaya kosha. Divine inspirations are generated from heart chakra. Even in some scriptures it is symbolized as surya chakra. The two interlaced triangles represent the place where the lower and upper energy merges. A droplet of divine nectar falls from the crescent moon within the interior triangle. The Kalpaturu is called the Celestial Wishing Tree. It is found in a subsidiary chakra of eight petals.

Manipura chakra

Explaining chakra healing,spiritual healing,chakra balancing,bio energy healing,third chakra.

Location: Behind navel / Behind navel
Color: Yellow
Characterised by: Flesh
Tatva: Agni (Fire)
Beej Mantra: RAM
Keywords: Power, I
Vayu: Samana
Yantra: Triangle
Shape: Lotus with ten petals
Ruling Diety: Rudra and Lakshmi
Planet associated: Sun
Weekday associated: Sunday
Granthi associated: Brahma Granthi

The name Manipura is amalgamation of two words, mani means jewel, pura means place, i.e. manipura is a place filled with jewels and treasure. Tibetan Buddhist chant “Hum Mani Padme Hum” aptly defines the meaning of the chakra as ‘jeweled lotus(Mani Padme). This chakra functions as an auric energy generator. Normally, it radiates blue-violet light, but in spiritually awakened people it radiates golden light. This chakra has Rajo guna and has the abundance of intelligence, love, and knowledge.

Healers Perspective

Mental / Emotional / Psychological aspects:

This chakra symbolizes passionate consciousness and dynamism. It is associated with the level of being we call the personality, or ego. This is the area which defines our “self-esteem”. When energy is not flowing freely from this chakra we have problems with self-esteem and confidence, our sense of adequacy, issues around responsibility and feeling caught in the middle. Strong self-esteem is a required for developing intuitive skills. This intuitive chakra is where we get our gut instincts that signal us to do or not to do something. Anyone experiencing dysfunction of the third chakra is having difficulty obtaining or maintaining his/her own “personal power”. It is also the power center of the physical body. Malfunctioning of this chakra also results in lack of Will power, being stickler and self critical.

When it is functioning harmoniously, one will feel content and there will be no compulsion to compromise personal integrity. Relationships will be based on appropriateness, not on dependency, need, control, or manipulation. When participation is appropriate, it will natural response to environmental conditions. Also those with greater status will not try to subdue their subordinates, respect will be given to authority when it is earned, and withdrawn when it has been abused. When this chakra is imbalanced we can either veer into domination or helplessness.

When it is blocked fear will emerge in response to it. The fear of rejection, over-sensitivity to criticism, self-image fears, fears of our secrets being found out, indecisiveness are the product of malfunctioning manipura chakra. Insecurity, jealousy, generative energy and wisdom are associated with it. If it is malfunctioning, the person will have uncontrolled extremes of emotion which may result in hypertension and adrenal exhaustion. Anger and frustration causes depletion of this chakra energy.

Manipura is concerned with people, places and things, as well as one’s association to ideals, institutions, community, family, the sense of belonging, friendship, trust, contentment, and commitment, as well as the ability to remain calm during times of duress. It provide mental understanding of emotional life. A balanced third chakra gives you the awareness to know that it is important to live in harmony with others and to consider others when making decisions in life. The mooladhara and swadhisthana chakras know what we want to do, the solar chakra decides if we will do it. Many times this center acts as a block between heart and sexuality as the center related to health i.e. Anahata is above it and center related to sexuality i.e. Svadishthana is below. If both these chakras are functional and open but Manipur is blocked then a person’s sexual life will be without emotional attachment and love and vice-versa.

It is related to the element heat, incandescence, and its sensory avenue is sight. Without light we can see nothing. Also, when we are warm and jovial that is manipura chakra giving forth the warmth of human contact.

Understand that trying to control what we cannot causes us to worry about the future and obsess about the past. Real self power is one that enables us to be comfortable irrespective of others and outside situations where we are able to maintain our composure. When we try to control others, we give away our powers to them because our happiness now depend upon their responses.

Physical aspects:

The proper functioning of this chakra is necessary for the digestion and absorption of food. The melodious music of life is played on the instrument of sound health. This chakra is highly important for overall health at all levels. Indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, duodenum, peptic ulcer, gall bladder, stomach ulcers, addictions, shortness of breath, hypoglycemia, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatic, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases are associated with malfunctioned manipura chakra. It governs upper abdomen, umbilicus to rib cage, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, stomach, sympathetic nervous system etc. It is also the seat of the nerve center that is the most direct interface between the voluntary and involuntary nerve systems. Breath control exercises exist because of this interface. Control the breath, and control the mind.

Symptoms of Imbalanced Manipura chakra:

Excessive yang can lead to aggressiveness or greed. Balance of this chakra will give self-motivation. Note: Whatever be the disease/issue/problem, we must heal this chakra. Low self confidence, need for approval, tendency to blame others, lethargy, Dominating personality trait, arrogance, self-centered overambitious etc.

Spiritual Perspective

The God Vishnu and Goddess Lakini are deities of this chakra. The download-pointed triangle represents the continuous down-flow of spiritual presence. The triangle is colored red to symbolize spiritual fire. The 10 petals, the color of a heavy rain-cloud, symbolize a veil which clouds our inner vision .This has to be burned away through the effort of personal transformation.

Swadhisthana chakra

Explaining sacral chakra,balancing chakras,chakra chart,healing.

Location: Coccyx / Coccyx
Color: Orange
Tatva: Apa (Water)
Beej Mantra: VAM
Keywords: Intimacy, relationship, desires, sharing, sexuality, reproduction, subconscious
Vayu: Vyana
Yantra: Crescent Moon
Shape: Lotus with six petals
Ruling Diety: Lord Varuna
Planet associated: Moon
Weekday associated: Monday
Granthi associated: Brahma Granthi

Swadhisthana is the amalgamation of the two words swa and adhisthan meaning under ones own control. The whole of chakra forms an aura of dazzling vermilion colour. This colour is a combination of red and purple. It is the chakra of creativity, pure attention and pure knowledge. It is connects us to the inner source of inspiration, and enables us to experience the beauty around us. The pure knowledge given by this chakra is not mental, but it is direct perception of the reality, that can be felt in our palms and indicates our subtle blockages. Also this is the center of pure, steady attention and power of concentration.

Healers Perspective

Mental / Emotional / Psychological aspects:

It is attributed to element water, which is fluid and mobile. This water reflects the shadow of a cresent moon. This represents the purity of love and affection. The calmer the water, the better is relationship between two persons. When open this chakra permits deep intimacy and connection. when blocked, feelings and sexuality remain disconnected. Impotence and frigidity usually, are found to have psychological components. This chakra stands for the pleasure principle and that is most often routed through food and sex. Imbalances have been observed often in this chakra due to either over indulgence or complete abstinence.

It is a doorway to unconscious mind which stores all memories, both pleasant and unpleasant. The unconscious mind is often symbolised by the light of the moon, which is illuminated only by reflected light. This centre is represented on the kabbalistic tree of life by the sphere of the moon. Opening this chakra can release a torrent of powerful images into dream life. Greater access to the personal unconscious brings a sharpened intuition which has a wisdom of its own. Often, the memory of sexual violation is repressed, but its destructive effects manifest in behaviour which is unconsciously driven. Sexual violation destroys this center. It is related to mooladhara chakra in that, swadhisthana is where the different samskaras (karmas), lie dormant, and mooladhara is where these samskaras find expression.

It symbolises ideas, impulses, and desires which stimulate the mind. It is related to imagination, which is powerful force in human creativity at all levels, spiritual, artistic and personal. If it is stuck wide open, we tend to allow our emotions and sexual impulses to rule us and our creative drive might over shadow everything else in our life. It offers us the opportunity to lessen our “control issues” and find a balance in our lives, teaching us to recognize that acceptance and rejection are not the only options in our life and relationships. The process of making changes in our life stream through our personal choices is a product of this chakra energy. We will lack negotiation skills if this chakra is malfunctioning while, if healthy, it enhances our problem-solving capacity.

The Spirit, which resides in our heart, is the real reservoir of creativity, and artists and people who think excessively or are obsessed with fame or success will usually suffer a weak Swadhisthan Chakra and tend to be off-balance personalities. Their ambition is to be superior to others or to be acclaimed by them for their talents comes from their ego. Although, we can see that even where the artistic endeavor starts out with heart, there is a tendency for the artist to produce later works which are lifeless or lacking inspiration. As the artist becomes more successful, he works harder to maintain or grow this success which requires exhaustive use of this chakra especially prana (male side / pingala channel) get drained at a very fast rate and resulting in inflated ego of him. In addition, the connection with the ego can take the attention away from the Spirit. As the artist starts to believe that he is the creator of all his works (thus eliminating divine inspiration) the process is accelerated and the ego expands to such an extent that the spirit of the work has been removed completely.

The emotion anger is regulated by this chakra. When the flow of energy through this chakra is restricted because of fear or physical and energetic contraction, anger will emerge. when this it is functioning healthfully pleasure will emerge as the natural response to human interaction and appropriate activity. By examining the emotional issues which block our happiness, and deciding to accept pleasure in our lives, we can let go of our pain and suffering. It is also responsible for the creation or withdrawal of enthusiasm in routine life. Emotional feelings are affected by this chakra. Our capacity to control our desires is the measure of our capacity to keep this chakra balanced.

In swadhisthana chakra the sense of taste is the sensory avenue or input. In tasting we use the hands, which are the motor output of swadhisthana, to take food to the mouth, and to drink. There is a very interesting relationship between the sensation of taste, the sexual fluids of the body and the awakening of swadhisthana. There is no sense of taste unless the water element is present. This is true. The taste buds will not function without the water element being present. If your mouth is dried up, and I blindfold you and plug your nostrils, you can’t tell whether you are eating apple or onion.

Physical aspects:

Physically, this chakra is related to the reproductive system, bladder, urinary tract, womb, menstrual cycle in women and to the testes prostatic plexus in men, low back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, libido, liver functioning, metabolism, digestion, detoxification, immunity and balancing of blood sugar etc.

One of the most important functions of this center is to generate the energy that fuels our thinking by breaking down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the brain cells. Excessive thinking and planning overworks this process and exhausts the center. The Swadhisthan also looks after the liver (along with the Nabhi Centre). If the Chakra is having to cope with excessive thinking, then the other organs it is supposed to look after are neglected. The liver is particularly susceptible to this neglect. The liver has a particular importance in that it is the seat of our Attention (chitta). Attention is pure concentration minus thought/mental activity. For example when we look at a flower we put our pure attention on it (i.e., we observe it). However we will also think about it (“that’s pretty,” “I wonder what’s it called,” etc.). Attention has no such associated thoughts — it is pure concentration/observation/witnessing. A balanced liver sustains and nourishes our Attention and filters it by scanning out any impurities and external clutter. From this purified attention comes the peace and stillness that we obtain in our meditation. The liver is susceptible to overheating (through alcohol or other stimulants), effecting our Attention, which ultimately weakens our meditation and so on.

We must end involuntary and compulsive thinking. Pay particular attention to any repetitive thought patterns i.e. carefully and attentively observe/watch the thinker, listen to the voice in your head without judgment, just listen. When we do this a different consciousness is activated and the thought then loses its power over us and subsides, because we are no longer energizing the mind through identification with it.

Symptoms of Imbalanced Swadhisthana chakra:

Too much yang will present as sexuality dominating the person’s life, sexual frustration and excessive fantasizing. There may be excessive tightness in the abdominal area leading to low back problems, Puritanism, sexual repression, emotional suffering and instability, lack of trust.

Spiritual Perspective

The God Vishnu and Goddess Rakini are the dieties of this chakra. The lotus within the lotus is called the Kunda flower. The six vermillion coloured petals represent the impulses, ideas and powers of the imagination, which stimulate the mind. Imagination and fantacies sometimes create desires without discrimination. Each petal bears a sanskrit letter. The mythical Makara, half alligator, half fish, represents the subconscious powers of the mind. The creature lies just beneath the surface representing that we are normally unaware of our own hidden motives and depths.

Mooladhara chakra

Explainig root chakra, balancing chakras,chakra test, muladhara chakra and aura.

Location: Two fingers below testis & two fingers above anus / Near the opening of uterus
Color: Red
Characterised by: Smell
Tatva: Bhu (Earth)
Beej Mantra: LAM
Keywords: Survival, rootedness, growth, instinct, family nature, biology, kinesthetic feelings
Vayu: Apana
Yantra: Square
Shape: Lotus with four petals
Ruling Diety: Indra
Planet associated: Mars, Earth, Saturn
Weekday associated: Tuesday
Granthi associated: Brahma Granthi

The name mooladhara is amalgamation of two words mool, meaning root/main, adhara, meaning support/base. This chakra is so vital that due to its malfunctioning, most of the other major and minor chakras will stop functioning leading to a total collapse of the physical body. It binds the gross body with its mother’s love and affection. The new born baby traces the body heat of the mother and feels solace under it. The more he gets love and affection from mother, more the child will be attached to earth and his development will become easier. Similarly, the more the person is grounded better he is able to balance both physical as well as spiritual world. If un-grounded, he will be lost in a mixture of various thoughts and processes which will not help him much in his endeavor for the spiritual growth. It is the root chakra which itself embodies the power of balancing and earthing the energy of the existence.

All the chakras make their appearance at foetal life but it is the Mooladhara chakra that starts developing in the prenatal stage. In the third trimester, of pregnancy, it develops.

Healers Perspective

Mental / Emotional / Psychological aspects:

On a psychical level, it controls the will of survival, the state of inner safety, the desire for material goods, and the choice of profession. It deals with the issues of survival instinct. It helps you fulfill basic needs i.e. food, clothes and shelter. The more open the chakra and more prana radiating, the more you are prosperous. The quality of life you live is directly proportional to this chakra. When it is functioning properly, we feel secure and comfortable in the physical world. Pleasure will emerge spontaneously and we do not feel compelled to justify our existence. We will recognize that we are responsible for our own being and would not feel the need to lean on others for support.

When the prana through this chakra is blocked or it have less prana, one will feel concurrent fear of death, which will emerge as an internal struggle for personal survival. Its malfunctioning will cause person to avoid social gatherings, taking responsibility for something, fear of being wrong, social anxiety and agoraphobia. When it is out of balance, we may suffer from low self-esteem, feel out of touch with our body and our sexuality, or be prone to depression and addictive behavior. When your Root Chakra is balanced, we feel confident and healthy, and happy with our body and our sexuality.

It reflects a person’s connection with their mother, and with mother Earth. How the person feels about being on the earth and connect with his physical body. How he realize that he is part of a large ecosystem and nature. As mother take loving care of his child, similarly, root chakra provide nourishment to flash body and gives prana to physical body. When you become your own “good mother,” you are able to manage the curve balls life throws you and take responsibility for your circumstances. “Mothering and nourishing yourself means understanding what you need and letting yourself have it, to the best of your ability.”

A deep sense and strong sense of stability and security can enable us to explore our facets, take risks and uncover our potential. The mooladhara chakra is conduit for our experience of security. The security here refers to secure relationships, work place, job, career, financial aspects, health etc. Also notice that we can be very secure in one area of life for example in career and job while very insecure in other area such as relationship with spouse etc. Imbalances in this chakra may result in two extremes of insecurity and rigidity, an UNWILLINGNESS TO CHANGE.

Mentally, this chakra is responsible for maintaining balance, a balance between right brain hemisphere and left brain hemisphere, a balance between male and female aspects of inner body, a balance between physical and spiritual world etc. One of its main aspects is innocence which gives us dignity, balance, and a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life. Simplicity, joy, purity, integrity and balance are some qualities manifested through this Chakra.

Emotions associated with this chakra include frustration, rage, and passion. Constipation is not only physical, but emotional too. Repressed anger is also related to mooladhara chakra. Opening it can have effects of releasing long-held emotions. A symptom of suppression of this chakra is the inability of a person to express one’s emotions appropriately.

Physical aspects:

This chakra is related to the functioning of the legs, feet, bones and large intestines. Adrenal gland is associated with it which responsible for the fight and flight response when survival is under threat. It is related to obesity, haemorrhoids, addictions , constipation, sciatica, lower back pain, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, immune related disorders, insomnia, spinal column, kidneys, lymph system, skeleton, teeth, nose, arterial blood, adipose tissue, osteoporosis, boils and pimples, nerve disorders etc.

Symptoms of Imbalanced Mooladhara chakra:

If they are too yin they may be un-grounded. If they are too yang there might be too much attachment to material things, too much self-indulgence and a preoccupation with satisfaction of their own needs. Some signs that the Base Chakra is out of balance are:-

* Restlessness
* Lack of energy and enthusiasm
* Loss of interest in the real world or practical survival
* Volatile emotions
* Obsession with one thing
* Selfishness
* Experiences the world at the mercy of outside forces that work against it
* Seldom has awareness or sense of responsibility for its circumstances
* Is always in a helpless state, suicidal feelings, disoriented
* Totally reliant on partner, companion, family, organization, etc.
* Is disconnected from their inner core of feelings
* Mind is stuck in a frozen state of fear, terror or desperation
* Experiences no sense of empowerment, poverty, listlessness, clumsiness.

Additional info: The affirmations given below are highly beneficial in boosting mooladhara chakra. They create positive neural network in brain which makes you highly productive in life, if used sincerely and consistently:-

  • I am confidently moving in the direction of my dreams.
  • I have an abundance of everything to live my life to the fullest and to fulfill my dreams and desires.
  • I am an action driven and result oriented person.
  • I set goals and I reach them. I know what I want out of my life.
  • I am an excellent decision maker.
  • I am an excellent learner. I assimilate new ideas very quickly and easily.
Spiritual Perspective

The God Brahma and Goddess Dakini are the deities of this chakra. This center of force symbolizes the objective consciousness, the awareness in the physical, terrestrial universe. It contains the first of the psychic knot which firmly bind spirit and matter, the Brahma Granthi. It is strongly linked to the Crown Chakra and between them, they govern the body’s hormone system. Without a balanced Root Chakra, the crown chakra may get affected.

The elephant Airavata represents the physicality of matter. The collar that he wears represents our false bondage to materialistic things. His whiteness symbolizes divinity within matter. His seven trunks represent seven qualities of human nature. . The yellow square Privithi represents earth. The downward-pointing triangle shows that divine power comes from a higher level to a lower level. The eight arrows represent the many directions life may take. The lingam wrapped with 3 1/2 coils of the serpent represents the Kundalini shakti. A crescent moon symbolises the divine source of life.

Aura and Chakras

Explaining what is chakra,chakras in human body,7 chakras,the chakras,the seven chakras.

Every object in the universe, whether natural or artificial, whether animate or inanimate, whether small or big emits radiations. The radiations are energy forms and invisible. The Indians know this fact and therefore incorporated this theory in their traditions. Women in India draw rangoli in front of door entrance which help eliminate negative radiations from outside. Our body produces static electricity and by touching grounded objects we discharge it naturally. This electricity is actually a part of our bio-energy. Our aura is an energy representation of our past and present karmas. Our aura is replica of ou character, thinking and personality.

Human body is electric, magnetic and electromagnetic

Mr. Robert Charman in his paper on electrical properties of cells and tissues detailed the cell as an electric system. The main difference between electricity in biological systems and electricity in electronic devices is that cells and tissues are charged atoms or ions, while electronic devices are based on electrons. Mr. Von Braun at the institute of Neotic Sciences said that: ” We know that the human eye functions a bit like television camera as it sends electrical pulses to the brain. Our ear is a sort of microphone which converts the incoming sound into equivalent electrical signal which is routed to the brain.” The body produces many electrical signals, which can be measured with the help of ECG, EEG and EMG etc. Our brain contains neurons which uses electrical pulses. Cell voltage is influenced by external electromagnetic fields and have effect based on its polarity and strength. The picture on the left is a real life aura photograph.

The aura around us is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Human aura can be better understood through points below:-

  • Left Side (Female-Yin) : The color on the left side is generally the vibration coming into our being. It is what we feel inside, but might not have expressed.
  • Right Side (Male-Yang) : The color on the right side is generally the energy being expressed, the qualities most likely seen or felt by others around us.
  • Above Head (Beliefs – Thoughts) : The color over the head is what we are experiencing now. It shows our current state of mind and what we think and believe.
  • Center (Overall Base Aura Color) : Our most dominant aura color is seen in the center of our body. This color helps determine our personality trait and does not changes as fast as the colors in the outer aura.

Everything; people, place and events have an aura. The aura of spiritual masters is very radiant, strong and large. The really act as a magnet, attracting others. When we are in company of them our own aura get transformed, this is the reason why just a tender touch or a meeting (darshan) with them has a profound effect on our life.

Our energy relationship with Earth

Just like the Earth is a magnet, we too are a magnet. Modern studies has proved that the magnetic field of Earth has a profound effect on our well being. The regions where strength of Earth’s magnetic field is less, people are more prone to dis-ease. The British scientist has shown that changes in Earth’s magnetic field has an effect on our heart and brain. The people with feeble mind are affected more.

How does aura affects our personality and relationships ?

Different thoughts and emotions produce different colors in aura and affect different auric layers. For example anger is manifested as red color in aura. When the anger subsides so does the red in aura. However, if the person gets angry over and over again, the red stays longer and then there comes a point where the aura is infused with dull red permanently. The transition from a man who was occasionally angry to an angry man has happened. If we do not remove this red from aura, we are very likely to suffer any physical disease. When two people fight their aura shrinks. Two people feel attracted towards each other when their aura signature matches.

Our aura and environment

Our aura is highly influenced by our surrounding environment. Human aura continuously exchange energy from its surrounding. We know that the air contains electrically charged ions; namely positive and negative ions. Scientific research has proved that negative ions are highly beneficial for human health and well being while greater amount of positive ions in surrounding invites dis-eases. Electric negative ion generator is now becoming common house hold appliance. We absorb negative ions through breathe and skin. Places like temples, forest and areas near river or sea are rich in negative ions. It is due to this reason that we feel energized when we happens to visit such places. When we are sick or dis-eased, then according to our thoughts and mental state our aura changes; the more negative we think or the more sick we are, the more accumulation and emission of positive ions happen from us.

The Chakras

There is a deep interrelationship between mind, body and spirit. Change in one chakra may affect another chakra, even when these secondary results are not immediately apparent. There are also particular polarities between certain chakras which set up dynamic relationships. For example the aagya chakra relate to root chakra, swadhisthana chakra with throat chakra. Development of one chakra affects the whole chakra energy system. The energies of upper chakras and lower chakras meet at the heart chakra.