Anahata chakra

Explaining chakras healing,what is chakra healing,how to heal your chakras,heart chakra,body chakras,chakra balancing.

Location: At the center of chest / At the center of chest
Color: Green
Characterised by: Touch
Tatva: Vayu (Air)
Beej Mantra: Ham
Keywords: Unconditional love, forgiveness, acceptance, limitless, letting go, infinite, compassion, selflessness, devotion
Vayu: Prana
Yantra: Hexagonal (six sided pointed star)
Shape: Lotus with twelve petals
Ruling Diety: Maha Kali, Ishana Rudra
Planet associated: Saturn
Weekday associated: Saturday
Granthi associated: Vishnu Granthi

The heart / Anahata chakra in Sanskrit means endless, ‘un-struck or unbroken’; one that cannot be harmed. It is the center of unbroken sound. This chakra is the most important of chakras because it contains the ability to feel divine and pure love for everyone. This is the place where our soul resides. Those people who have love, compassion, sense of sacrifice and sympathy, drive happiness from this chakra. It is due to heartfelt feelings and emotions that life changes its direction. Our ambitions and interests take a new path. The heart is even superior than brain, brain controls physical body while the brain itself is controlled by heart. Meditation on heart chakra will infuse the entire EMOTIONAL BODY with love and can restore a sense of WHOLENESS. It relates to the balance among Body, Mind and Spirit.

Healers Perspective

Mental / Emotional / Psychological aspects:

This chakra is not associated with personal love for the spouse/beloved nor with the sorrow of the broken heart. It is for a universalized love which is not limited to loved ones and those who love us in return. It is the compassion for stranger. It is the loving kindness for the greater human family. This love is purely altruistic. It is the master control center for regulating the emotions. It suggest the words “Love Heals All”. It is an area that represents the deepest psychological significance. We say, ‘I am touched’ or ‘I am moved’.

If it is not in balance, we may act lovingly but really feel resentful. We may give to others out of obligation rather than out of a genuine sense of goodwill. It is about giving and receiving love. If unbalanced, we have difficulty feeling love for ourselves or for others, we have difficulty receiving love or anything else from ourselves or others, and we feel cut off and all alone without feeling our connection to that divine light within us. we also tend to feel hurt by others easily. Hurtful situations like divorce, separation, bereavement, emotional abuse, abandonment, adultery cause disruption in its functioning.

Forgiveness is what emerges from here. Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit. Everything that comes from heart comes from almighty God, as if he does not pull the breath, we will cease to exist.

The emotion regulated by this chakra is pain. If the heart chakra is blocked pain will emerge in response. If this remains blocked and one has become attached to the individual mind and ego the disruption can lead to feelings of hopelessness or despair. The love, compassion, confidence, inspiration, hope, despair, hate, envy, pride, insincerity, fear, jealousy, anger, generosity are linked to this chakra. Learning to love yourself is a powerful first step in securing a healthy fourth chakra. The “wounded child” resides in the heart chakra. If there is imbalance in this chakra, and one is not able to control unpleasant emotion like hate and envy, heart ailments are sure to ensue.

This chakra acts as a bridge between three chakras above and three chakras below in the bioplasmic body, distributing a uniform energy flow in both the directions. It is said that when the heart chakra is opened, wishes are spontaneously fulfilled through the activity of kalpa vriksha (wish tree) associated with it. The powers of this chakra indicate that personal karma has been completely absorbed, for this chakra is not subordinate to karmic forces. It brings an increased ability to direct prana. especially for healing. It permits a detached comprehension of karmic influences.

Since the heart chakra is the center of intuitive consciousness, it is from this chakra that the inner meanings of things can be grasped. One’s personal rights are also upheld by this chakra. In the world of intellect it upholds the right to trust personal intuition, insight, and the finite human consciousness, no matter how these functions choose to manifest intellectually, creatively, verbally, through metaphor, the written word, or the arts. This center generates poetic wisdom.

The element of the area is air; its sensory avenue is touch. Its motor output or organ of action is the procreative action, the act of reproduction, but that reproduction can take place in the mind as well as the body. In tantra and kriya the movement of consciousness, the rotation of consciousness around the body, is a tactile experience in which you create your own sensation of movement, heat, cold, pressure. Yoga nidra is an opening up of anahata chakra through learning to experience the tactile sensations of heat, cold, touch, pain, light pressure, deep pressure; all these sensations are deliberately activated.

Physical aspects:

This chakra governs heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands. It is related to the thymus which is a part of the immune system, as well as a part of the endocrine system. It produces T cells responsible for fighting off disease, and is adversely affected by stress. This centre produces the anti-bodies till the age of twelve years which are circulated in the whole body to fight any kind of attack on the body / mind. If there is any attack on the person these anti-bodies are informed through the sternum, which has a remote control of information.

Diseases associated with this chakra imbalance include tuberculosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, asthma, high cholesterol, breast (cancer and fibromas), shoulder and esophagus problems, asthma, lung & breast cancers, thoracic spine, pneumonia, upper back, breast Cancer etc. People suffering from high stress due to their unjustified workaholic nature need to balance this chakra, as this indicates that you do not love yourself.

Symptoms of Imbalanced heart chakra:

Excessive yang leads to insensitivity. Excessive yin leads to hypersensitivity or the feeling of emptiness. Extreme physical or mental activity, heartfelt bad relations (especially mother’s), no confidence in God, anti-God activities, outside attention, no seeking, no interest in self, emotionally closed, passivity, reserved.

Spiritual Perspective

The God Isa and Goddess Kakini are the dieties of this chakra. It contains brahma granthi. This chakra is considered as entry point into vigyanmaya kosha. Divine inspirations are generated from heart chakra. Even in some scriptures it is symbolized as surya chakra. The two interlaced triangles represent the place where the lower and upper energy merges. A droplet of divine nectar falls from the crescent moon within the interior triangle. The Kalpaturu is called the Celestial Wishing Tree. It is found in a subsidiary chakra of eight petals.